E4F is an initiative of the Horizon 2020 MSCA-COFUND Program, aiming at structured international, interdisciplinary and intersectoral training and mobility fellowships, offering career development and outstanding research environment.
E4F offers 28 post-doctoral fellowships, in 2 calls, for experienced researchers of any nationality, targeting Recognized Researchers (R2)¹ based on the research profile descriptions of the European Commission².
E4F will count with the participation of 19 partner organizations (i.e. 12 Universities, 3 research centers and 4 Energy companies) acting as hosting and/or secondment entities: 14 from 4 different European countries (Spain, France, UK and Germany) and 5 from 2 non-European countries (US and Mexico) (the “Partner Organizations”).
Each postdoctoral fellowship will have a duration of 24 months, from January 1st2022 to December 31st2023 for Call 1 Fellows, and envisages to promote mobility both among different countries and the academic and the industrial sector.
E4F includes:
- 18-21 months at one of the 14 academic Hosting Partner Organizations (11 Universities and 3 Research Centers) (“Hosting Period”);
- 3-6 months compulsory secondment (“Compulsory Secondment”) at one of the 4 Industrial Partner Organizations (Iberdrola Group companies);
- 3 months optional secondment (“Optional Secondment”) at one of the 13 academic secondment Partner Organizations offering secondment or another organization proposed by the Fellow;
- Training and other activities (result dissemination, communication, etc.) being done through the whole period.
E4F Program proposes five main Research Areas within the clean and sustainable energy field:
¹ Recognised Researcher (R2): PhD holders or equivalent who are not yet fully independent
² https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/europe/career-development/training-researchers/research-profiles-descriptors